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воскресенье, 10 марта 2013 г.

The main investigations and developments
of the Institute for Nuclear Research RAS which are ready for practical use
  •  Creation the multi-function respiratory apparatus
    The development of multi-purpose additional eguipment for anesthetic and respiratory apparatus for Xe-anesthesia, for treating the patients with respiratory insufficiency (pneumonia, bronchial asthma and so on) with (Xe + O2)- and (He + O2)-mixtures and for improvement of immune system of patients with (Xe + O2)-, (Kr + O2)-(Ar + O2)-mixtures.
  • Radiochemical detectors for neutron registration
    The danger of possible nuclear terrorism provoked us thinking about how to make a search of nuclear materials in the luggage of passengers in the underground, at the airports, in the railway stations, at the customs terminals as well as among cargoes in the traffic of automobile, rail way and water transports quick and secret. To solve these problems cheap and high-sensitivity on-line nuclear emission detectors have been invented. Patent № 2286586 (INR RAS)
  • Medical Strontium/Rubidium-82 generator for positron emission tomography
    An operating block has been made, a procedure of assembly, charging and quality control of Strontium/Rubidium-82 generator has been elaborated in the Central Research and Development X-ray Radiological Institute (St. Petersburg). Development of methods of radiation sterilization of the finished products is under way (INR RAS)
  • Setup for extraction of the used xenon out of the absorption cartridge during the xenon narcosis
    There has been elaborated and manufactured a setup for extraction of the used xenon out of the absorption cartridge during the xenon narcosis in surgery practice. The setup has been tested and is now ready to be applied in medical institutions (INR RAS)
  • Medical densitometer DENIS
    A new medical diagnostic apparatus (digital x-ray densitometer) has been developed for estimating the mass of bone tissue around implants, in particular endoprosthetic appliances of joints in pre-operative and post-operative periods. It can be used for diagnostics of osteoporosis and non-invasive measurement of mineral density of bone tissue in the proxial section of thigh. The apparatus was awarded the medal of Moscow International Saloon on Innovation and Investment, Moscow-2005. It is a prize-winner of the All-Russia Exhibition Center-2005. Patent № 46166. (INR RAS).
  • Setup of gas-phase fusion of diamond materials on the basis of a high-current glow discharge
    There has been elaborated and manufactured a setup of gas-phase fusion of diamond materials on the basis of a high-current glow discharge. It is ready to be put into practice. The usage of such a setup for industrial fusion of diamond materials allows one to reduce the cost of diamond materials and at the same time to keep all the parameters at a rather high level which makes it possible to widely use these materials in different branches of industry. (INR RAS)
  • radiation-protective outfits
    INR RAS in collaboration with some other Russian institutions has designed and introduced into commercial practice a few types of isolating uniforms for putting out a fire and eliminating emergencies connected with ionizing emission and aggressive media. (INR RAS and collaboration)

Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS
Deputy Director: Dr. Leonid Kravchuk
Phone: (495)851-00-61, E-mail: kravchuk@inr.ru 

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